Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Commemorative Speech Planning Sheet

Topic: My Grandpa
Purpose: To praise, give thanks to my Grandpa, to inspire
Specific Purpose Statement: My specific purpose statement is to inspire my audience by praising my Grandpa Norm.

Attention Step: I will grab the audience's attention by having them imagine the situation my Grandpa was in when he started his business.
Credibility step: "As my grandpa..."
Central Idea: "Today I would like to pause and praise my Grandpa Norm by showing you some of his qualities."

Preview: "He is the definition of giving, brave and devoted.

-Giving (to his family and his business, makes sacrifices)
-Brave (Entrepreneur with a huge family)
-Devoted (To his wife, family and business)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Second Presidential Debate

Discuss Romney's delivery compared to Obama. How did non-verbal communication impact each candidate's persuasiveness?

To me, Governor Romney seemed like he was trying very hard to be a poised debater. By watching the debate, it was clear that the way Romney answered questions that he was trying to connect with each individual that asked questions.  I noticed this by his eye contact, hand gestures and also the way he acknowledged each question as a 'good' one or such.  For President Obama, he seemed by his non verbals to also connect to the people, but in a way that he was trying to make up for his last debate that did not go over so well.  Also watching him in the background as Romney was talking, sometimes he would smirk or laugh at what Romney was saying, just as Biden had during the VP debate.  When I see this I view the candidate as less respectful, which stood out to me last night. 

What do you think about the presidential race so far. Which candidate appeals to you if at all. Did the debate influence your vote? How will you vote and why?

Throughout this whole race, I have heard many people say things along the lines of, "We have to vote for the lesser of two evils." and "I wish I got to vote for someone, not against someone." which I think many Americans are dealing with these two statements.  I think this race has be very fiery and more about knocking down the other candidate rather than building themselves up to sow how they would be fit for president.  This is apparent even during the debates.  One example was when an audience member asked Romney how he was going to be different than former republican president George W. Bush.  Once Romney answered this question, Obama goes on to talk about how Romney is different than Bush- how is was worse than Bush.  I think that this last debate didn't move me either way, but I did lean towards the Romney/Ryan ticket because of the Ryan and Biden debate.  As of now, I think I will vote for this ticket, because I believe Romney can balance our budget, and I stand with him on small business.

Informative Speech Outline

Vashon Island
I.  Introduction
A. Attention grabber – I bet a lot of you have been on a ferry before, either going to Kingston or Bremerton, Downtown Seattle or Vancouver, BC.  Imagine having to take a ferryboat every time you wanted to go to the mall, needed a dentist appointment or to go to sports practice twice a week.  Living on Vashon Island for 18 years, I did just that.  I estimated that during one season of volleyball playing on a team in Seattle, I spent over $400 just in ferry fare!
B.  Today I would like to talk to you about the island of Vashon, located about an hour’s travel time southwest of Northwest University.
C.  Specifically, we will discuss the History of Vashon Island, some facts of Island life, and something that only happens on Vashon, the Strawberry festival.

II. History of Vashon Island
A.     Discovery - George Vancouver, named after his friend, James Vashon.
B.     Maury Island used to be separated, but now connected by an isthmus, all considered Vashon Island.
     C.  Used to be mainly economy of orchards and strawberry fields
     D.  Japanese Americans residing/relocation during WW2
1.    “Looking Like the Enemy” written by Mary Matsuda, about leaving her family berry farm on Vashon Island.
2.    Coincidently, Mary Matsuda was my mom’s best friend’s Aunt growing up, small island!

III.  Life on Vashon
     A. Population
1.  According to the New York Times, “the hilly, woodsy island has a population of just 10,000.”
2.  According to the US Census, Vashon is populated by over 90% Caucasians, only about 35% of residents religious, and of those 15% adhering to Catholicism.
3.  Would be categorized as “middle class”.
     B.  Livelihood
1. Small businesses – My grandpa owns one of the two local grocery stores.  If you come to Vashon looking for a Starbucks or Metropolitan Market, you will be disappointed to learn that Vashon Island has neither.  The only thing that comes close to fast food on Vashon is Subway, which in itself was a huge deal when it opened.
2.  The arts – Dance companies, art studios, Art Walk every first    Friday.
          3.  One school district - one of each school, some private schools
               a.  Small, 500 kids in HS
     C. Things to do
1.    Nature - beaches, trails, parks
a.  According to King County, “Island Center Forest is a 363-acre working forest and nature preserve that is managed to demonstrate sustainable forest management while protecting and restoring the health of the site's habitat.”
          2.  Vashon Island Golf and Country Club

IV.  The Strawberry Festival
     A.  Traditional since 1909
1.    Because of vast economy of strawberry fields
2.    According to the Vashon Chamber of Commerce, “In 1909 Vashon shipped more than 120,000 crates of strawberries.”
          3.  Always in July
     B.  Attractions
1.  According to the Vashon Chamber of Commerce, “Approximately 200 vendors sell crafts, clothing, jewelry, art and of course, delicious “Fair Food”.
            a.  Grand Parade
            b.  Street Dance
            c.  Vendors
d.    Carnival

V.  Today we have talked about many aspects of Vashon Island.
     A.  History of Vashon
     B.  Life on Vashon
     C.  The wonderful Strawberry Festival
     D.  I would like to leave you with this, if you have ever heard of Vashon         before this speech, you may have been told that it’s a crazy place, but I’d   like to tell you that the truth is just that, and if you ever need a place to explore on a weekend, I highly suggest to you Vashon Island.


Todras-Whitehill, Ethan. "A Trip Across Water, and Time, From Seattle." New       York Times. N.p., 30 Mar. 2012. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/01/travel/vashon-island-near-seattle-a-rural-throwback.html?pagewanted=all&_r=1&>.

"Strawberry Festival." Vashon Chamber of Commerce. N.p., 2011.  Web. 06 Oct. 2012. <http://vashonchamber.com/strawfest/>.

"ISLAND CENTER FOREST." Island Center Forest. King County, 11 Sept. 2012. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <http://www.kingcounty.gov/recreation/parks/trails/backcountry/islandcenterforest.aspx>.

Hughes, Marnie. "Vashon Island Has One of Lowest Vaccination Rates in the State." KCPQ. N.p., 01 Dec. 2011. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. <http://www.q13fox.com/news/kcpq-vashon-island-seen-as-pocket-of-need-in-terms-of-vaccinations--20111201,0,5786007.story>.

"ESRI Data." ESRI. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 12. <http://www.arcwebservices.com/services/servlet/EBIS_Reports?serviceName=FreeZip&errorURL=http%3A%2F%2Fbao.esri.com%2Fesribis%3Fcommand%3Dzipcodelookup&zipcode=98070&x=0&y=0>.

"Washington." Justia. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. <http://www.justia.com/us-states/washington/vashon/>.

"2010 Census Interactive Population Search." 2010 Census Interactive Population Search. United States Census, n.d. Web. 06 Oct. 2012. <http://2010.census.gov/2010census/popmap/ipmtext.php?fl=53>.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Vashon Island Speech Outline

Topic of your speech: Vashon Island
General purpose: Informative
Specific purpose statement: My specific purpose is to inform my audience about Vashon Island.

Attention step: Tell a scene from a festival on Vashon.
Credibility step: Living on Vashon Island for 18 years.
Central Idea: Today I would like to tell you about the history of Vashon Island, life on the Island and a special event called Strawberry festival that happens on Vashon each year.
-History of Vashon
-Life on the Island
-The Strawberry Festival

Outline of Main Points:
I. History of Vashon Island
     A. Discovery - George Vancouver, named after a friend
     B.  Used to be mainly economy of orchards and strawberry fields
     C.  Japanese Americans residing/relocation during WW2

II.  Life on Vashon
     A. Population
          1.  20k in summer, 10k rest of year
          2.  Know from working at Thriftway; all ages, races, genders
     B.  Livelihood
          1. Small businesses
          2.  The arts
          3.  One school district - one of each school, some private schools
               a.  Small, 500 kids in HS
     C. Things to do
          1.  Nature - beaches, trails, parks
          2.  Vashon Island Golf and Country Club
          3.  Take a ferry ride

III.  The Strawberry Festival
     A.  Traditional since 1909
          1.  Because of vast economy of strawberry fields
          2.  Always in July
     B.  Attractions
          1.  Grand Parade
          2.  Street Dance
          3.  Vendors
          4.  Carnival

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Comparing Speeches

1. What is the Central Idea (thesis) for each speech? 
For the Medical Robots Speech, the central idea is that medical robots are a reality, and that there are many forms of medical robots coming out.  For the Chili Pepper speech, the central idea is that there is more to the chili pepper than one can imagine, including interesting history, why they are spicy, how to handle the spiciness and how to use chili peppers to cook.
3. How does author of Chili Pepers show credibility?
They show credibility by showing their research.  This speaker uses many quotes from books to show that he studied his topic.  He also shows credibility by saying that he himself has been affected by a chili pepper.
5. What type of organizational pattern are used for each of the speeches?
In the Medical Robots speech, they used the topical pattern.  In the Chili Pepper speech, the speaker also used the topical pattern of organization.
6. List statistics cited in one of the speeches.
These are statistics listed in the Chili Pepper speech.

-.  Carolyn Dille and Susan Belsinger, authors of The Chili Pepper Book, estimate that 25 percent of the world’s adult population uses chili peppers as a part of their daily diet.
-The New York Times reports that sales of pepper sprays have risen steadily and show no sign of slowing.
-According to Jack Challem, author of The Nutrition Reporter, there have been more than 1,300 medical studies on capsaicin, the active ingredient in peppers.

2. How are these speeches "audience centered"?
These speeches are audience centered because they both can affect audience members.  In the Robot speech, the speaker says how family members that you know may now be treated by medical robots, and that it is becoming much more common.  In the Chili Pepper speech, he relates it to the audience by showing common uses by any ordinary person, and also gives advice on how to tame the heat, both information that the audience can take away.
6. Choose one of the two speeches: Comment on delivery and non-verbal communication. Was it effective? Explain your answer. 
For the Chili Pepper speech, his delivery was very good.  He was using non verbals, mostly gestures, that kept my attention.  He also, by his body language, seemed genuinely interested in his topic, which made it very engaging.